St. Patrick's Day Eye Makeup Ideas — Savvy Hair Loft

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St. Patrick's Day Eye Makeup Ideas

Ali Omelio

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re partaking in the festivities that means you have to be sporting at least one thing to show your patronage – green!  While this color isn’t the first that comes to mind when we think of everyday eye makeup, there are some gorgeous ways to glam up with green for the big day. 

Try a sexy, smokey eye with a hint of green if you're planning on taking the St. Patty's Day party on a night out on the town.   Watch this St. Patty's Day makeup tutorial to achieve the look!

Start with a green shadow as your base (try Lucky Green by MAC ) and top with a shimmer shade focusing on the lid and inner corner of the eye.  

Pair a nude lid with a green liner, for a subtle yet festive look.  Keep the liner close the lash line to make your eyes pop.  Try Stila All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Emerald Green. 
