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710 Arnold Avenue
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, 08742
United States

(732) 295-0500

Savvy Hair Loft is a full-service hair salon in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. 


Loyalty Program

Loyalty rewards program

Addicted to great hair?  Welcome to the club!  Being a Savvy Loyalty Rewards Program member is your fast-track to earning special perks and services.  It's free to join and every dollar you spend earns a point that gets you closer to being a Diamond member.   Accrue bonus points just by referring a friend or by showing us how much you love your new hair on social media!

All Loyalty Rewards Program members are also eligible to receive a Birthday Blowout - please contact us up to 30 days before your special day to schedule 

 Check out all of the level benefits and ways to earn bonus points below

BRONZE: 250 points
Complimentary blow out

RUBY: 500 points
One-time Olaplex treatment and blow out

ROSE: 1000 points
One-time Olaplex treatment and blow out
Mini Murphy shampoo and rinse of choice

CHROME:  2000 points
One time Olaplex treatment and blow out
Take home #3 Olaplex treatment

PLATINUM: 3000 points
$25 gift card
10% off all retail products (for an entire year following eligibility) 
One time Olaplex treatment and blow out
Take home #3 Olaplex treatment
Mini Murphy shampoo and rinse of choice

DIAMOND: 4000 points
$50 gift card
20% off all retail products (for an entire year following eligibility) 
One time Olaplex treatment and blow out
Take home #3 Olaplex treatment
Full size Kevin Murphy shampoo and rinse of choice


Refer a friend: 250 points
Tag us on Instagram/Facebook: 100 points
Book online: 100 points
Pre-book as a new client during first appointment: 50 points
Pre-booking for all clients: 100 points


  • Every $1 spent equals 1 point

  • An e-mail address must be provided to join the Loyalty Rewards Program

  • Points may be redeemed at any reward level, but any leftover points will be forfeited

  • Points expire at the end of each calendar year

  • Points may only be redeemed for packages described in the Loyalty Rewards Program literature

  • Points may not be used to tip stylists

  • If a pre-booked appointment is cancelled, bonus points earned will be forfeited